Foundations: A Puppies Passion

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At Puppies we have always characterized ourselves by promoting adoption, which is why we began to do our bit to help many foundations, providing prophylaxis without anesthesia to puppies that are ready to be adopted, also through the social networks of our company can get to know them and learn a little more about their history.

From puppies we will always give our grain of sand so that the puppies and the foundations can become visible and can also receive more help that is necessary for the good maintenance of the facilities and the well-being of the dogs and cats that are in the foundation, that is why we want to tell you that there are many ways that you can also help foundations and it does not always have to be with money.

The idea is to be able to reach more foundations and do this once a month with all of them and be able to leave them ready for their new life.

Sharing on Social Media

Currently, social networks have a very effective power of disseminating information. In addition, you can reach both people close to you, and some you don’t even know. For this reason, you will help more than you think if you share both publications on social networks, such as the profiles of the shelters, campaigns that they carry out to raise awareness. If you also collaborate with the shelters in person, it will be great if you also share something on social networks. So your followers will see the experience in a more direct and real way.

Another of the most effective ways to help animal shelters is by donating money. Any amount is valid and well received. He thinks that these centers need a lot of financial support to keep the facilities in good condition, buy food, vaccines, etc. Surely in their profiles or website, you will find a link to donate accompanied by all the indications.

Instead of or apart from donating money, you can choose to directly give food.

That is, you can buy all kinds of food and send it to the center, or directly ask them what they need or need the most.< /p>

You can also directly donate toys (such as scratchers, teethers, balls, etc.) and/or necessary products for dogs and cats (such as beds, drinkers and feeders, etc.) Many of these products tend to break quickly, so new additions are always needed.

One of the biggest things you can do is adopt a dog or cat from the shelter.

If for whatever reason you cannot adopt an animal, you can choose to sponsor. Sponsorship consists of choosing a dog or cat from the shelter, and taking care of its expenses, as if it were your own pet. You can even go for a walk, pet it, play with it, which allows you to have a more direct bond with that animal, which will surely be super happy to see you periodically. And who knows maybe one day you can adopt it

If for whatever reason you cannot adopt an animal, you can choose to sponsor. Sponsorship consists of choosing a dog or cat from the shelter, and taking care of its expenses, as if it were your own pet. You can even go for a walk, pet it, play with it, which allows you to have a more direct bond with that animal, which will surely be super happy to see you periodically. And who knows maybe one day you can adopt it

You can help by volunteering at the shelter (of course free of charge). Your time and work are essential to keep the facilities clean and correct, while taking care of the animals. They need people who give them food, play with them, take them for a walk, and the rest of the basic care that every pet deserves. You can go when you want or according to the shelter. Everything is of great help for the proper functioning of the reception center.

This point is closely related to point one, since apart from sharing on social networks, it is also essential that you do it in person. In your day-to-day life, you surely see many people who you can make aware of the importance of helping animal shelters, or about adopting instead of buying, etc.

Shelters have to spend a lot of time and effort to pick up abandoned or lost animals found by themselves or others.

You can help in many ways, for example by letting us know when you see an abandoned/lost dog or cat. You can also help spread the identification of the animal around the neighborhood where you found it, take it yourself to the shelter, and even having taken it to the vet before on your own.

As you can see, there are many ways to help, so Do not wait any longer and join the puppies command and together we contribute to be able to give these pets a happier life.

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